Image Gallery: Blood-Drenched Guitars

Dean Tyrant

Read Time 2 Minutes

It’s Halloween time, everyone.  I love Halloween.  You know what that means? Blood. Lots and lots of blood. A few years back I’d nailed a handful of galleries featuring guitars based off various horror movies.  This time we’re going straight for the jugular, or at least everyone’s favorite fluid that furiously flows from a fatal flaying.  In a way it’s an elaboration off that article Tim had done on guitars Dexter Morgan would like.  Only this time there will be more blood.

Blood-Drenched Guitars

As I was browsing through the many pictures of blood soaked guitars I’d noticed a bit of a trend. While I didn’t break down and do the statistics I’m pretty sure most of the bloody guitars I’d come across were signature models. I suppose it kinda makes sense. I really can’t picture Gibson saying, “Hey, why don’t we make a line of blood covered guitars just for the hell of it?” Of course there are some companies out there that would indulge such an idea, but from what I’ve noticed these are usually at the behest of a guitarist looking for something more specific to match his or her musical styles.

Like Michael Amott and Scott Ian, for example. Both of them play more intense music and both play guitars that look like they could be used as a weapon every bit as much as a musical instrument.

Just as a side thought you never see old jazz and blues guys playing guitars covered in blood like these. It’s pretty much a rock and metal thing, but whenever I see guitars like, say, Warren DeMartini’s Charvel I just sorta picture it in the hands of someone like John Scoville or Buddy Guy.

Getting back on topic. Some guitarists go for blood in a more theatrical sense. In this case I’m looking at former Rob Zombie guitarist Mike Riggs and the Great Kat. Riggs was famous for playing a Fernandes filled with blood which he would pour all over himself. It certainly added to the live experience. Great Kat, on the other hand… well… she looks like her music sounds. A big massacre.

Now let’s talk about the elephant in the room. Steve Vai’s brightly colored, swirly DNA Jem. It’s such a bright and upbeat looking guitar, but in a gallery of blood covered guitars the DNA has more business being in here than any other guitar. Even if it doesn’t look as grim as the rest. The reason being it doesn’t settle on paint or fake blood. No, this guitar is coated in the real deal. The story is Ibanez had this crazy idea of draining blood from Steve Vai and mixing it into the paint. Vai gave informed consent and now we have a guitar with one of the strangest paint finishes out there.

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Kyle Smitchens

Kyle Smitchens is the Guitar-Muse Managing Editor, super hero extraordinaire, and all around great guy. He has been playing guitar since his late teens and writing personal biographies almost as long. An appreciator of all music, his biggest influences include Tchaikovsky, Bach, Mozart, Beethoven, Steve Vai, Therion, and Jon Levasseur of Cryptopsy.

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